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California’s Tax Filing Season Begun

Jan 13, 2025 05:57PM ● By Franchise Tax Board News Release

The California Franchise Tax Board kicked off the 2025 tax filing season on Jan. 7. Photo by Pixaby

SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) - The California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) kicked off the 2025 tax filing season on Jan. 7 by providing taxpayers with vital information regarding cash-back tax credits, disaster loss relief, and the advantages of filing and making payments electronically. Taxpayers must pay any taxes owed by April 15 to avoid penalties.
“I encourage all California taxpayers to file their taxes early to take advantage of valuable tax credits that can provide essential financial resources to themselves and their families,” said State Controller and FTB Chair Malia M. Cohen. “I also invite Californians to make the most of FTB’s online services, including e-filing and selecting direct deposit to a bank account, which can significantly expedite their refunds.”

E-file for faster and secure refunds. File your taxes for free using the IRS Direct File and the Franchise Tax Board’s CalFile. CalFile allows most Californians to e-file their state tax returns quickly, easily and for free. Eligible Californians can file their federal taxes online using Direct File and then they will be directed to CalFile to complete their state return. Direct File provides a simple way to file federal tax returns securely and accurately.

For information about Direct File eligibility, visit
Find your answers online. Taxpayers are encouraged to use Franchise Tax Board’s 24/7 online self-service options to avoid potentially long delays when contacting the California Franchise Tax Board. Last year, millions of taxpayers visited the California Franchise Tax Board website at Self-service options available through the website include checking your refund status, making a payment, determining whether you should file, figuring out which form to file and viewing processing and wait times.
In California, taxpayers can access free tax assistance through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. To find a list of free tax assistance program locations, visit For additional free tax filing options, visit
Taxpayers should be vigilant against scams and take steps to protect themselves. Scammers often impersonate the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or Franchise Tax Board employees to trick taxpayers into sending money or providing personal information, which they can use to file fraudulent returns and steal refunds. If you receive a suspicious letter from the Franchise Tax Board or the IRS, contact the Franchise Tax Board at 800-852-5711 or the IRS at 800-829-1040.